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NELSON HOCKEY-(All Hockey Suspended)

Good Afternoon,

Due to the current situation around the world with the Corona Virus and aligning with the requirements from the Ministry of Health and other sporting codes within our region, Nelson Hockey has made the decision to cancel all Hockey Programs and trainings until further notice.

Fabian (NHA Operations Manager) has been in a conference call this morning with Hockey NZ and all other Hockey Associations around the country and collectively they have made decisions regarding the next steps moving forward.

The official statement from Hockey NZ on the community Hockey and club competitions will be released today, and we will pass this onto the community as soon as we have this available.

Please understand we have made this decision for the safety of the community and the wellbeing of all our members.

We thank you for your understanding, if you have any questions please feel free to contact one of the staff at NHA.


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Contact our Office

Saxtons Field Hockey Stadium
125/139 Saxton Rd, Stoke, Nelson

Phone: 03 547 9988

Contact our Head Team

Fabian Amor – NHA OPM
Phone: 027 655 8411

Lauren Hutton – NHA RDM
Phone: 021 058 8604

General Information

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