NHA would like to take this opportunity to remind all Schools that Nelson Hockey offers…
I hope you are weathering the storm and staying healthy.
Our lives are often truly shaped by challenging times. Through our different roles at a Sports Organization we normally try to inspire, mentor, appreciate moments of gratitude, laughter and creativity and most importantly help shape and enrich people’s lives. This is difficult to do currently, so we are sending energy and support your way.
Just for your information at this stage, we are working on a regular basis with NHA Board, NHA Staff, Sport Tasman, Hockey New Zealand and all Hockey Associations around the country on different options and opportunities to go back to normal as soon as possible following the directions from New Zealand Government.
As you are aware, all Hockey activities in New Zealand are currently suspended including all Club, School and community hockey until at least Saturday 2 May. The postponement includes all hockey matches and training activities, including representatives and development programmes, community and school competitions and pre-season trials and activities. In addition, all NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE TOURNAMENTS have been cancelled for this season. Along with all the other major sporting codes and in response to recent government announcements and advice from the Ministry of Health, Hockey NZ has taken this action recognizing that the health and wellbeing of our community is paramount.
Under the current Level 4, we will be in lockdown isolation until at least April 23rd so Hockey New Zealand has taken a great approach, already preparing and sending to us a draft document with the implications of each of the Alert Levels and when and how we’ll be able to return progressively to our normal hockey activities with the restrictions that we’ll need to face under each one.
NHA Board and NHA Staff will be analyzing and consulting with Hockey New Zealand, other Hockey Associations and Sport Tasman around issues relating to the current situation, as well as a return to hockey plan and a sustainable future for our Sport.
Now these are our NHA priorities:
1-Aligning with Hockey NZ and all Hockey Associations around the country, COMMUNITY HOCKEY will be our top priority once we are allowed to return to Hockey.
2-We’ll inform our community about the implications around the restrictions at the various emergency levels to be sure that we stay safe and provide our community the best opportunities to get back to normal hockey activities in a safe way.
3-NHA will keep working on our Development Programmes U13-U15-U18 and will contact all TOP of the SOUTH ASSOCIATIONS looking at options and opportunities for our top players at each age grade as well as for senior players.
4-An announcement on Founders Cup Tournament set to be hosted at NHA this season is expected to be made in May.
5-NHA Staff will be working in different ways to communicate with our members through Social Media looking to increase engagement and collaboration in our community.
6-This situation is a serious financial risk for all of us. NHA has been working extremely hard these past years improving the financial situation for our Organization. These improvements put us in a good and healthy position to face this challenging time. We are re-budgeting and working on any financial adjustments to implement an accurate recovery plan.
7-We have been successful in obtaining the Government Wage Subsidy package that will help us to cover NHA Staff wages for the first 12 weeks, plus receipt of early funding helps cover a big part of our Operational Costs, at least in the medium term.
The Hockey Nelson Board and staff, like you, are devastated at this disruption to the early part of the season and understand that you all just want to get on with it, however we need to acknowledge the severity of the situation and the strict measures that need to be taken to limit harm to our community.
This upcoming week, NHA will be running a Survey to collect as much information as possible from our community looking to work together in our next steps moving forward.
It’s still too soon for us to have fully come to grips with how this will impact the coming season, our programmes, our financial situation and what the next few weeks and months will look like. The fall-out effects of this global pandemic will be felt by everyone in all sorts of different ways, so continue to be kind to each other and remember those important hygiene protocols.
COVID-19 and the current lockdown situation has already had a significant impact in our lives and it will continue for some time, so we encourage everyone to play their part, staying home and following the directions from the Ministry of Health so we can get through this crisis ASAP.
On behalf of NHA we would like to send our gratitude to all people around the country who work in essential services and we would like to pass on to your families and friends all our love and support under these difficult circumstances.
We’ll keep you updated and informed as to any news and next steps moving forward. If you have any questions, I’m always available on my mobile 027 655 8411
Prof.Fabian Amor.
Nelson Hockey
Operations Manager.