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NHA Service Awards
Just a reminder that the 2024 AGM is approaching.
As per the NHA Constitution, we would like to receive from NHA Clubs your nominations for Service Awards to NHA before 31 October 2024.
11.1 Service Awards will be announced at Annual General Meetings of Hockey Nelson for outstanding service to affiliated Clubs and Regional Organisations. Conditions of the awards shall be:
(a) At least fifteen (15) years’ service to hockey;
(b) Service may be in any area of the sport, e.g., administrator, member of committee or volunteer in any capacity;
(c) Nominations are to be made by the Board or an affiliated Club or Regional Organisation and, together with citation(s), must reach the Operations Manager not later than 31 October in each year;
(d) All nominations will be considered by the Board, and the granting of a Service Award shall be at the sole discretion of the Board;
(e) The Service Award(s) shall be presented after the announcement of the awards at the Annual General Meeting of Hockey Nelson
Please send your nomination to NHA OPM-Prof.Fabian Amor manager@nelsonhockey.org.nz before October 31st.
Thank you very much!