Hockey New Zealand are re-advertising the role of Coach for the Masters Over 40 Men’s…
2019 National Masters Tournament-Umpires Registration
Good morning everyone
Please find below the link for the umpires registration for the 2019 National Masters Tournament. Can you please share this with your respective Umpires Division/Committees to share with their umpiring community/networks.
Umpire Registrations
Please click here to complete umpire registrations. Closing date for registrations is 30th January 2019.…/1FAIpQLScjKba-qD6knHhVff…/viewform
The 2019 National Masters tournament is being held in Hamilton from 3rd – 9th March. Further tournament logistics/details will be provided in January 2019. However any additional enquiries can be made direct to Colin French, Hockey NZ Technical Manager (C: 021 1411822 or E:
Kind regards
Sandra Partridge
Competitions Manager