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Bruce Stringer-(R.I.P)

The Board and staff at Hockey Nelson wish to pass their condolences on to Cherie Stringer and family on the recent passing of Bruce, a much loved Father and Grandfather. Bruce was active for many, many years in the Nelson Hockey community, helping out in numerous ways but more particularly taking on the grounds maintenance for some years. He was always very supportive of the Association, going above and beyond the line of duty to ensure that everything around the turf was immaculate. Bruce, his late wife and family have contributed hugely to Nelson Hockey and we’re all extremely grateful for the benefits we’ve received over the years from their hard work. He will be sadly missed.

Nelson Hockey Association.


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Saxtons Field Hockey Stadium
125/139 Saxton Rd, Stoke, Nelson

Phone: 03 547 9988

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Fabian Amor – NHA OPM
Phone: 027 655 8411

Lauren Hutton – NHA RDM
Phone: 021 058 8604

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