NHA would like to take this opportunity to remind all Schools that Nelson Hockey offers…
CHANGES to the TRAFFIC LIGHTS March 25th-11:59pm
As we move past the peak of Omicron, we can look toward to a more simplified traffic light system to keep us safe.
🟢 At Green, there will be no restrictions, but you’re encouraged to look after each other by keeping up good health behaviours such as mask wearing on public transport and regular hand washing.
🟠At Orange, masks will be required in all the indoor places they are now. There will be no capacity limits at gatherings.
🔴 At Red – in addition to masks, there will be an indoor limit of 200 people but no limits on outdoor gatherings or events.
These changes to Red will be in place from midnight Friday. From then, scanning QR codes will no longer be necessary. From 11.59pm 4 April, Vaccine Passes won’t be required.
That’s all there is to remember.
If you do test positive or someone in your household does, everyone must isolate for seven days. Find out more here: https://covid19.govt.nz/traffic-lights-changes