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  • U15

OCTOBER 1st-06th

Today’s report:

Nelson vs Thames Valley

Today saw the Nelson girls hitting the field with determination as a carry-on from yesterday’s win. The opposition started strong which meant that Nelson had to work hard with their combinations. Then an awesome pass came from Jess Davidson on the right side towards the left post where Ruby Campbell popped Nelson’s first goal into the back of the net. Nelson continued to work hard and fight, which resulted in another goal from Demi Mant from the left side of the field. Jemma Hammett worked tirelessly on the right wing feeding the ball constantly into the circle. Before the end of half time she was successful in scoring a great goal. This meant Nelson led at half time by 3-0.
The second half started with Thames Valley attacking and hungry to score. Caitlin Clementson played a pivotal role in the centre half position which enabled great through balls to be passed to our wings and strikers. Nelson’s Captain, Jess Davidson, continued to fight hard which resulted in a fourth goal for Nelson. Her assiduous attitude could be seen throughout the entire game which shows great leadership. Lucy Tucker was strong on the left and fought hard during the game and earned herself a brilliant goal passed by Jess to her, off the post. Unfortunately our combinations were not as constant which resulted in the ball getting through the defenders and a goal being scored by Thames Valley. Grace Ashcroft was sturdy in her defensive position contributing to some great feeding to the inners and strikers. Special mentions need to go to Kiera Inglis on the left side who was strong with her tackling and attacking of the ball throughout the game. Miya Ellis was persistent in her centre defender role preventing Thames Valley from attacking through the middle. Jemma Mead was relentless in goal today again. Nelson were happy to claim another victory of 5-1.

Till tomorrow
Mores and Heather


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Phone: 027 655 8411

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