NHA would like to take this opportunity to remind all Schools that Nelson Hockey offers…
2019 NHA JUNIOR U13-U15 PRIZEGIVING-(Wednesday October 16th-05:30 pm) Nelson Hockey Pavillion
NHA would like to inform that we’ll be hosting 2019 NHA JUNIOR PRIZEGIVING for all our U13-U15 Teams-(Players-Coaches-Managers-Umpires-Supporters) this upcoming Wednesday October 16th at 05:30 pm at Nelson Hockey Pavillion.
We would like to ask to all the families to bring a plate and NHA will provide the drinks.
It will be a great opportunity to celebrate our 2019 JUNIOR Representative Season.
We’ll see you all on Wednesday October 16th at Nelson Hockey Association.
For any extra information please don’t hesiate in contact Nelson Hockey Association.
Have a great week!