NHA would like to take this opportunity to remind all Schools that Nelson Hockey offers…
2019 NHA M&W SR.Teams vs Marlborough-Blenheim July 6th
NHA SR.MEN A vs MARLBOROUGH SR.A – 06/07 – 3PM- MC CARTHY CUP-(Umpires M.Treolar-T.Stock)
NHA SR.WOMEN B vs MARLBOROUGH SR. WOMEN B -06/07-12:00 noon-WYN ROBINSON CUP-(Umpires R.Crawford-J.Wilson)
NHA SR.WOMEN A vs MARLBOROUGH SR.WOMEN A- 06/07-1:30 pm-KEN BEACH CUP-(Umpires D. Morrisey-M.Fitzgerald)
NHA would like to send our Players,Coaches and Umpires our best wishes for this upcoming weekend!