NHA would like to take this opportunity to remind all Schools that Nelson Hockey offers…
Nelson Hockey Association looks forward to hosting the 2019 TOTS Club Hockey Tournament at Saxton Fields in Nelson this upcoming 17th – 19th May
All information will be available at
Entry Form
Each team is required to complete an entry form. This needs to be completed and returned via your Association secretary to Nelson Hockey Association RDM Tamara Dudley (rdm@nelsonhockey.org.nz) no later than 1st of MAY 2019 in order to prepare and circulate the Draw.
All Clubs from TOTS Regions (Marlborough, Buller, West Coast and Nelson) are eligible to enter Teams, and Clubs may combine to make up player numbers.
Entry Fee
All Teams will be charged a $200 entry fee. This will be invoiced to your respective Associations.
Each Team will be required to supply an Umpire. If they are a player/umpire, please state this on the entry form so we can schedule them either side of their games. Umpires are urged to please make sure that their games start and finish on time.
Games will be played as normal 11 a-side-matches, for separate Men’s and Women’s divisions. Match durations and Competition formats are still to be confirmed as they are subject to how many teams and games we need to accommodate.
Please be prepared to start your first game as early as 12:00 pm on the Saturday and finish as late as 12:00 pm on Sunday (but we will try to allow for distant travelers)
Nelson Teams may need to play on Friday night from 7:30 pm and SUPER LEAGUE Games will be playing on Sunday from 12:30 pm-04:30 pm.
The Draft Draw will be sent to all Associations and Team contacts by MAY 4TH, and the final Draw (subject to unavoidable changes) by MAY 8th.
Team Cards
Team Cards are not required to be completed for these games but there will be a draw sheet at the Umpires Room and Dugouts where the Umpires are to record the results of each games.
All Games will be played at Nelson Hockey Association @ Saxton Fields, Nelson. All Hockey Players, Umpires and supporters will have access to the changing rooms and toilets.
Carparking is available all around the facility.
Dugouts are available at both turfs. There is a potable water tap available. Each Team and Officials will have access to their own area, and we discourage any supporters from accessing them over the weekend. This will be allocated from the Draw to each Team. Please store your gear on the bench at the dugout until the previous teams have departed and remove all rubbish upon existing.
First Aid
Teams are to bring their own first aid kit. NHA will provide one first aid kit that will be allocated it at the Pavilion upstairs will provide an alcohol solution at each dugout to clean up any blood on the surface. We will not provide, and ambulance or staff present. Nelson Hospital is only 12 minutes drive from the turf and ambulances are on call. Full Cell phone coverage is available at the facility.
Onsite Catering
NHA Canteen & Bar will be open during the event.
Food Carts will be available at the facility.
Saturday Night
NHA Pavilion has been booked from 07:30 pm so all Teams are encouraged to come along on Saturday night and socialize with one another.
If anyone have any questions, please contact Tamara Dudley (NHA RDM) rdm@nelsonhockey.org.nz
Travel safely and enjoy your weekend.
1.Tournament Controller (TBC)
2.Games are 30 minutes with no half time. Either 5’-10’ is allocated between games.
3.Turf can be watered only during the longer 10’ breaks and is to be authorized by Tournament Controller.
4.Each Game is started by the Umpires whistle.
5.Each game is ended by the airhorn from the Scoreboards at the scheduled finish times-(to keep event running on time)
6.Umpires will be confirmed at the Draw.
7.Umpires toss a coin to decide who hits off.
8.Scores are to be kept by the Umpires and written at the end of each game on the Master Sheet in the Umpires Room
9.Team Cards are not required to be filled out for each game.
10.Teams will need to bring an alternative strip if needed. Team Managers please agree on this with opponents well before the start of the game.
11.NO ALCOHOL is to be brought onto the TURF grounds.
Round Robin Games
Semi-Finals 1st-2nd in each Pool
Friendly Play-Offs for all non-finalists