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2020 TASMAN REGIONAL PRIMARY SCHOOL FESTIVAL- Y5-6, 7 a Side- AUGUST 25th-(Postponement date AUGUST 27th)

Date:                25th (27th Postponement date) August 2020

Time:                09:45-14:00

Venues:           Nelson Hockey turfs – Saxton field

Uniform:         Teams must wear their school uniform.

Referees:         NHA will be umpiring all games for this tournament.

Draw:              The Draw will be sent out to School Team contacts.

Format:           Round Robin. No scores kept.

Rules:              Games will be played in accordance with Hockey NZ Mini Sticks Advanced Rules. 

Game length: Games will be 10 minutes, with a 5-minute interval between games.

First Aid:         All schools MUST bring own First Aid kits.

Equipment:    Schools are to provide players with their own sticks and balls, however, NHA does have a supply of these if needed for players to borrow. Mouthguards and shin pads are recommended, but not compulsory.

Catering:   Food and refreshments will be provided by THE SHOT NELSON at their Food Car and Canteen. Please encourage your kids/parents to support them by bringing some coins along on the day!Contact:  RDM NHA Alice Bailey,


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Contact our Office

Saxtons Field Hockey Stadium
125/139 Saxton Rd, Stoke, Nelson

Phone: 03 547 9988

Contact our Head Team

Fabian Amor – NHA OPM
Phone: 027 655 8411

Lauren Hutton – NHA RDM
Phone: 021 058 8604

General Information

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