NHA would like to take this opportunity to remind all Schools that Nelson Hockey offers…
The Embassy of Japan is looking to spread this opportunity to as many adept and interested field hockey coaches and players in New Zealand as possible, via websites, Facebook, and absolutely any other social media postings that become available. To this end, we would be much obliged if you were to inform your club members of our job listing!
For more information, here is the link to our advertisement on the Embassy of Japan page for the Field Hockey Sports Exchange Advisor (SEA) position:
Additionally, our Facebook post advertising the position, in case of cross-Facebook sharing opportunities is located here:
Applications are NOW OPEN, with the application cut-off set at 5:00pm Monday, March 19th, 2018. This is a strict deadline, so please make sure all applications are in our hands at the Embassy of Japan in Wellington by this time! J
Finally, please find attached the four documents related to applying for a Field Hockey SEA position (also available for download at the Embassy website mentioned above), as well as the JET Programme logo for promotional purposes.
Interview location is currently TBA depending on applicant numbers, with most likely venue being the Embassy of Japan in Wellington. Please let me know if you have any other questions at all by responding to this e-mail address, or calling us at (04) 495-8333. We would love to assist you in any way we can, and get the word out to as many keen field hockey players as possible!
Thank you so much once again for any assistance you can grant us with regards to this matter.
Yours in service,
Xan Wetherall
Xan Wetherall(ザン・ウェザオール)
Japan Information and Cultural Centre
Embassy of Japan
Majestic Centre, level 18, 100 Willis St, Wellington 6011
PO BOX 6340, Marion Square, Wellington 6141
Tel: +64(0)4-472-7807
DDI: +64(0)4-495-8333
E-Mail: xan.wetherall@wl.mofa.go.jp