NHA would like to take this opportunity to remind all Schools that Nelson Hockey offers…
HOLIDAY PROGRAMME II-(JULY) Week 1:8th-12th & Week 2:15th-19th
2019 NHA Hockey Holiday Program II-(July)
NHA Hockey Holiday Program starts Monday July 8th
Mondays to Fridays Y 1-8
Week 1: 08th-12th/07 Week 2: 15th-19th/07
Welcome and thank you for your registration
We look forward to you joining us for a fun time
Multi Sport Programme
Fun Games / Fundamental Skills / Hockey Basics
YEAR 1- 8
Option 1: Time 09.00-12.00 pm
Cost $25.00 Direct Debit per day / $100 Full Week
Option 2: Time 12.30 -03.30pm
Cost $25.00 Direct Debit per day / $100 Full Week
Option 3 :Time 09:00- 03:30 pm
Cost $45.00 Direct Debit per day / $200 Full Week
Please follow the link below for registrations: