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In preparation for the Return to Play, NHA will be using iDMe as our contact tracing log. This is to identify individuals who may have come into contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 if required.

iDMe allows for people to avoid the traditional sign-in methods such as a paper & pen or touchscreen tablets which are not desirable due to having to touch shared items or surfaces. Also, with the ability for individuals to sign into venue codes manually, it avoids the potential for queues and access delays.

You do not need to sign into an App, you simply visit, add the link to your home screen, complete your contact details and you are good to go.

You can create and store contact details for multiple people on a single phone by tapping the Add another person link and you do not need to be online at a venue to use iDMe!

For more details check out the video below or go to:


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Contact our Office

Saxtons Field Hockey Stadium
125/139 Saxton Rd, Stoke, Nelson

Phone: 03 547 9988

Contact our Head Team

Fabian Amor – NHA OPM
Phone: 027 655 8411

Lauren Hutton – NHA RDM
Phone: 021 058 8604

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