NHA would like to take this opportunity to remind all Schools that Nelson Hockey offers…
NHA-(Get Ready to Train Phase) Information
NHA is so pleased to announce that the NHA staff started working on Monday the 18th of May entering the “Get Ready to Train” phase. We’ll be working this full week putting health and safety systems in place preparing for the “Prepare to Play” phase to start on the 24th of May, where the grounds will be open to the public.
With all the changes and requirements in place due to Covid-19 NHA will be holding a meeting on Wednesday the 20th of May Via Microsoft Teams at 7pm with NHA Board,NHA Staff, Clubs, Umpires and Colleges representatives.
This meeting is in place to provide our community some clarity regarding hockey over the next few weeks and months. We will cover the 3 phases created by HNZ (Get Ready to Train, Prepare to Play and Return to Play), health and safety requirements and procedures, what hockey over the next few weeks will look like (as we enter the prepare to play phase) and more key information about the 2020 NHA Club competition. An agenda for this meeting have been sent to all providing a greater understanding of the meeting and our next steps moving forward.
To avoid overcrowding (and having too many voices) we asked each club to nominate maximum two people to attend on behalf. NHA will be releasing more information to the greater community after this meeting.
Just for your information, NHA also sent to all nominated attendees the following documents: NHA-COVID-19 H&S Plan,SPORT NZ Level 2 Guidelines,HNZ Return to Hockey Guidelines,HNZ -Return to training checklist for the Clubs and Group Check-in registration form that each group needs to provide to NHA prior of their session at our facilities.
When you all be back to our facilities this upcoming week, we encourage every single member of our community to please follow the NHA COVID-19 H&S Plan, systems, protocols and signs and please don’t hesitate in contact NHA Staff for any extra information you need.
I hope you are all keeping safe and we are all very happy and excited to see you all again this upcoming week.
Have a great week.
Prof.Fabian Amor