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NHA-(Prepare to Play Phase)-Starts (Monday May 25th)-Information-

Prepare to play community announcement.
The Nelson Hockey Association (staff and board) are so excited to open for bookings as of the 25th of May. Although, we will be open and in operation, to align ourselves with the guidelines provided by MOH, Sport NZ and Hockey NZ we have implemented an extensive health and safety procedure to ensure you and your family are as safe as possible as we move through the levels to normality while enjoying hockey.
Hockey New Zealand has created three phases to return to hockey; these phases include prepare to train, prepare to play, return to play. The information provided here is regarding the rules and regulations around the “Prepare to Play” phase. If you are unfamiliar with these phases refer to the Hockey New Zealand Covid-19 Return to Community Hockey Guidelines.
Entering the Grounds
The main gate (north entrance) will be the only entrance onto the grounds, divided down the middle, if you are training on turf one you are going to go through gate one, if you are training on turf two, you will go through gate two. Only those who are in a group with a booking will be allowed to enter. Parents will have to drop off at the northern entrance and collect western car park as this is where they will exit.
Once entered follow the appropriate coloured arrows and cones to your designated area, leave your gear and do not enter the turf until your half is cleared.
Only those who have a booking will be allowed to use the turfs. Due to people using the grounds during lockdown, with no health and safety procedures we have had to change the code to the lock box.
Contact Tracing
Nelson Hockey will be using two contract tracing systems a digital and manual system. IDME will be used as our touch free contact register. As per guidance issued by the MOH participant details will be kept for four weeks and the information collected may only be used for the purpose of contact tracing at the request of the MOH or local district health boards. Individuals will be required to sign up to IDME and sign into all facilities using this system until advised otherwise. Each facility has been allocated a venue code and all data will be centrally held by NHA should we need to provide this information to the MOH.
We encourage you all to upload your information to IDME and get familiar with the system before entering the turf this will prevent a congestion at the gate. The below link will lead
you to the site where you will upload your details for IDME. If you need a step by step guide refer to the IDME guide.
The manual system is a form requesting participants name, phone number, email address and physical address. This will be required to be filled and placed in the folder at the entrance to the turf before anyone from the group enters the turf.
During the prepare to play phase, the pavilion will be closed to all public, in addition facilities including toilets, locker room, dugouts and the umpire room will be closed and off limits. The public toilet by the car park will be open however we encourage you to come prepared.
The grounds are going to look a little different to usual, the two turfs will be divided into 4 via a colour coded system. It is critical that everyone stays within their designated colour area. Each half of the turf will have dedicated entrance. If you have any confusion do not worry, you will be guided when you enter by staff, arrows, cones, and a map.
We will be dividing the turfs down the middle with wooden barriers, it is important you do not attempt to move or touch these; they will remain for the whole duration of the “prepare to play” phase. It is also important no group crosses these barriers, entering another group designated area.
Do not linger in the car park before or after training.
If anyone is feeling unwell or are having ANY covid-19 symptoms they MUST avoid training and stay home. If you are unsure of the Covid-19 symptoms refer to the symptom poster.
Before coming to the turf for your training clubs, coaches and managers read the Hockey New Zealand ready to train document and plan appropriately. We also advise all coaches or group leaders to read the Level 2 Coaching Considerations.
Due to the strict restrictions placed by Government, gatherings are not allowed to exceed 10 people including indoor and outdoor sport. Please note this 10 includes coaches, volunteers, and players, the 11th person who attempts to enter within a single group will be refused entry at the gate. Only four groups of ten will be allowed on the turfs one time. Due to the smaller numbers, NHA has announced that the turf fees will be 50% off until the 12th of June.
Groups can enter the facility 10 minutes prior to their booked training time and must vacate within 5 minutes after their training.
Government is due to release information regarding numbers in sport on Monday the 25th of May. If the government changes the allowed group size, we will adhere to what they say, however all other protocols will remain the same for the “prepare to play” phase.
Health and Safety
To see NHA health and safety plan can be found attached.
Each group will have a designated Health and Safety Officer to ensure our health and safety procedures are followed through. However, we encourage every single person to take responsibility of your own safety and do your bit to keep others safe.
There will be a sanitise station at the entrance to the grounds, please ensure you sanitise here.
At each entry to the turf there will be cleaning stations these will include hand sanitiser and disinfectant spray. The spray is in there so teams and coaches can sanitiser their gear including sticks, gates, balls, and cones etc, as deemed necessary during the session. It will be the Health and Safety Officers responsibility to ensure the gate is disinfected before their team enters the turf and after they leave.
Face masks are not permitted to be used within the grounds.
Under level two no gear can be exchanged between groups; each group must have their own designated gear including balls and cones. Only the coach can touch the balls and cones with their hands. It will be the coach or Health and Safety Officer’s responsibility to ensure that all gear is cleaned and disinfected between each use. No PCD gear is to be shared.
Once your mouth guard is in your mouth sanitise your hands, and do not remove it until the end of your session.
If a ball accidentally goes to the other half of the turf there are two options either; the other side hits it straight back (without touching it) or the ball is passed to a NHA staff member disinfected and the returned to the team.
Physical Distancing
Physical distancing is to continue to be practised under level two as much as possible. Under level two the recommended physical distance remains two metres apart outside. We encourage our clubs and our coach to accept this challenge and create fun dynamic trainings whilst adhering to physical distancing.
Additional rules to note

  • No spitting or nose clearing
  • Do not switch among groups when in the facility, including coaches.
  • No high fives or handshakes etc.
  • Do not touch unnecessary surfaces, fences, goals, wooden barriers.
  • No face masks

Thank you all for your time, we know this is a lot. Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any questions, concerns or suggestions you may have.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Kind Regards,

Alice Bailey

Regional Development Manager Nelson Hockey Association


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Contact our Office

Saxtons Field Hockey Stadium
125/139 Saxton Rd, Stoke, Nelson

Phone: 03 547 9988

Contact our Head Team

Fabian Amor – NHA OPM
Phone: 027 655 8411

Lauren Hutton – NHA RDM
Phone: 021 058 8604

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