NHA would like to take this opportunity to remind all Schools that Nelson Hockey offers…
Date: Y 3 and 4 – 12th of August, postponement date will be the 13th of August
Y 5 and 6 – 25th of August, postponement date will be the 27th of August
Time: 09:30-14:00
Venues: Nelson Hockey turfs – Saxton field
Uniform: Teams must wear their school uniform.
Referees: All schools will be required to provide a nominated referee who will officiate
their team’s games. There may be a few umpires we provide, but TBC, so
please be prepared and bring one as well.
Draw: Draw will be emailed to Schools.
Format: Round Robin Tournament, Y3 & 4 will be mixed grade only. Round Robin
tournament for Y5 & 6 mixed, boys and girl’s grades. But dependent on team
entry numbers.
Rules: Games will be played in accordance with Hockey NZ Mini Sticks Advanced
Game length: Games will be 10 minutes, with a 5-minute interval between games.
First Aid: All schools MUST bring own First Aid kits.
Equipment: Schools are to provide players with their own sticks and balls, however, NHA
does have a supply of these if needed for players to borrow. Mouthguards
and shin pads are recommended, but not compulsory.
Catering: Café will be open during the tournaments offering food and drink options.
Contact: RDM NHA Alice Bailey, rdm@nelsonhockey.org.nz