NHA would like to take this opportunity to remind all Schools that Nelson Hockey offers…
2020 Growth Strategy
Expressions of Interest sought
West Coast Hockey Association is seeking the services of 1 or more people to co-ordinate and therefore deliver 2 projects that are being funded to grow skills, expertise, numbers and participation in the area of: Coach, Umpire and Player development.
The outcomes are specific and outlined in a separate document available on request.
These are pre agreed outcomes and funded through a partnership between West Coast Hockey Association and Sport Canterbury’s “Kiwisport Fund”
These are remunerated positions for the duration of each project and can be undertaken by the same person or different people with a skill set suited to the specific project they are interested in. Experience in hockey, whilst desirable, is not necessary.
A budget for each project will be discussed directly with those who have submitted an expression of interest.
Expressions of interest by way of a letter outlining your experience, interest and availability are to be provided to the Secretary, Amanda Curry E-mail: secretary.wcha@gmail.com by 10th February 2020.